Photo Scanning

How long has it been since you dug out that old box of family photos?

Our photo scanning services help you preserve and share these family treasures. Once your photographs are in a digital format, you can view them with little more effort than the press of a button.

Our professional equipment and software, along with our experienced technicians and give you a world of options for easy viewing, reprinting, editing and archiving.

Shoebox of photos for scanning

Bulk Shoebox Scanning

Scanning hundreds or thousands photographs at home is an extremely tedious and slow process. Here at Memories 2 Digital we use professional high speed automatic scanners, capturing high quality digital versions of your precious photos in a fraction of the time.


30c per photo

Shoebox Scanning Service

  • High quality 600dpi scans 1200dpi also available at extra cost
  • Photo orientation/rotation correction
  • Colour and sharpness optimisation (Enhancement examples and info)
  • Free rear side note/caption scanning (optional)
  • Photo organisation by folder and date (min 50 photos per folder)
All features included at no extra cost

Ordering Shoebox Scanning

  • Sort your prints into sets of between 50 and 300, within their relative sizes.
    We suggest enclosing them in zip-locks or plastic sleeves.
  • Place a paper marker (not sticky) on top of each set of photos with a year and description written/printed on it. Example. We'll use this to label & file your photos.
  • Fill out the order form and book a delivery (either by appointment or via courier for Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth or anywhere else in Australia).
Photo album waiting to be scanned

Photo Album Scanning

Got stacks of albums and don't have time to remove all the photos? We can remove your photos from the sleeves for you! We'll also label & organise each album in your collection, ensuring that all of the photos are in order and correctly rotated.


50 per photo
extra $20 charge to replace photos back into albums

Photo Album Scanning Service

  • Photo carefully removed from your albums using gloves
  • High quality 600dpi scans 1200dpi also available at extra cost
  • Photo orientation/rotation correction
  • Colour and sharpness optimisation (Enhancement examples and info)
  • Free rear side caption scanning (optional)
  • Photo organisation by album & date
  • Quick turnaround on most jobs
All features included at no extra cost

Ordering Album Scanning

  • Check that your albums are in good condition. Albums with where photos are stuck to the paper/plastic or do not come out cleanly cannot be scanned using our high speed system.
    Manual album page scanning is required these cases (at extra cost).
  • Ensure that you albums are named (on the front, or with a title page).
    If not, add a paper marker at the start of the album with a year and description. We'll use this to label & file your photos.
  • Fill out the order form and book a delivery (either by appointment or via courier for Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth or anywhere else in Australia).
Fragile old album for manual photo scanning

Album Page Scanning

If you have older albums where the photos are stuck to the backing or plastic film, there is a high chance the photos will be damaged during removal.
In cases like this, we offer manual single page scanning (priced per page, not per photo). Please contact us if your albums are larger than A4 size, as there may be additional costs.


$5.00 per page

Photo Album Page Scanning Service

  • Scan photos inside old albums without damage
  • High quality 600dpi scans
  • Photo orientation/rotation correction
  • Colour and sharpness optimisation (Enhancement examples and info)
  • Album caption scanning (optional)
  • Photo organisation by album & date
All features included at no extra cost

Ordering Album Page Scanning

  • Ensure that your albums are named (on the front, or with a title page).
    If not, add a paper marker at the start of the album with a year and description. We'll use this to label & file your photos.
  • Fill out the order form and book a delivery (either by appointment or via courier for Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth or anywhere else in Australia).

Instant Quote

Enter the amount of each type of photos you have below for an instant quote. Estimates are fine, you'll only be billed for the photos we scan.

Number of Photos

Number of Photos

Number of Pages

Number of Photos

Estimated Total

Got a question?

Our friendly team is always around to answer any queries via phone or email